ILCA Dinghy / Laser Fittings
High quality fitings for the ILCA Dinghy/Laser including vang blocks, deck cleats, boom blocks and clew straps. Kit out your boat regardless of whether you are updating an original 1970’s Laser or going full on competitive in a new ILCA Dinghy.
Showing all 13 results
Allen 20mm Blocks
20mm Blocks
Allen 20mm Tii-On Block With Soft Shackle
20mm Blocks
Allen 30mm Blocks
30mm Blocks
Allen 30mm Tii-On Block With Soft Shackle
30mm Blocks
Allen Brothers Fairleads, Bullseyes and Bridges
Fairleads & Bullseyes
Allen Classic Dinghy Blocks
Classic Dinghy Blocks
Allen Dinghy Downhaul and Outhaul Pack for ILCA / Laser
ILCA Dinghy / Laser Fittings
Allen Dinghy Kicker Pack for ILCA / Laser
ILCA Dinghy / Laser Fittings
Allen High Load Blocks
High Load Blocks
Allen Pro Ratchet Blocks
Allen Vang Cleat Blocks
Allen XHL Extreme High Load Block
High Load Blocks