Aqua Midi Tabs – Water purification Tablets
Clean Tabs Aqua Midi Tabs kill bacteria, spores, cysts, algae, fungi, protozoa and viruses. They are especially lethal to Entamoeba histolytica. Aqua Midi Tabs kill causative water borne organisms. These are: Salmonella typhi, Vibria cholerae, Shigella sonnei, Sterptocoecus faecallis as well as Estcherichia coli.
Aqua Midi Tabs are specifically formulated for maximum microbiological control in stored water. They also keep the water fresh. Periodically clean and purify water tanks and systems with Puriclean.
It is essential that the water we drink is uncontaminated and also free from disease producing organisms. In addition it must be palatable and free of odours.
Clean Tabs provide a convenient and easy method of purifying water for individual use when on Holiday, Business, Pleasure, on Ferries or Ships, Hotels, Apartments, Camping/Backpacking and Trekking.
Aqua Midi Tabs Features
- Rapid dissolving effervescent chlorine tablets for emergency treatment of drinking water when Travelling
- Manufactured especially to control the purity of drinking water
- Each tablet purifies 25 litre of water
- Clinically packaged for long life
- Compact, easy to use, easy to store
- Use whenever in doubt as to water purity
- Manufactured to strict specifications to ensure an accurate dose
Add 1 Tablet to 25 Liter of water. Leave for 30 Minutes before using. For heavily contaminated water, add 2 Tablets per 25Liter and leave for 30 minutes before use.
Purifies water for:
- Drinking
- Cooking
- Ice Making
- Cleaning Teeth
- Washing Fruit, Vegetables as well as Salads
- Bacteria
- Bacteria Spores
- Fungi
- Giardia Cysts
- Protozoa
- Algae
- Viruses
Protects Against commonly recognised diseases such as
- Typhoid
- Dysentery
- Cholera
- Polio
- Diarrhoea
For product pricing and stock availability please call +852 2827 5876 or contact us. Please refer to the Clean Tabs website for more information and other products: